Since his early age, Henri Totev had astral memories. The
astral world learned to him which were the true values of life. He
felt that he had to study all the aspects of esotericism. At
twelve years, he trained himself to the marcomancy,
cartomancy and other psychic sciences. He read many books on
the occult and spiritual subjects. Quickly, his astral trips
became completely aware, he recognized his past life and
understood which was his mission for this present life.
At the age of eighteen, his astral guides advised him to follow a direct
teaching in the Himalayas and in Tibet. He could thus learn spiritual and
esoteric sciences of the east and meet physically some of his astral guides. His
studies and intensive practices raised his consciousness. In hermitage, his
sensitivity was such that he conversed by telepathy with animals and spirits of
nature. He lived simultaneously in the third (the earth) and the fourth dimension
(the astral world). By his
magnetism, he helped people to heal. His guides told him then that it was time
to share his knowledge and teach in the west.
Henri Totev left India and established an esoteric centre in Belgium. He
initiated a number of persons to occultism and spirituality. Some of them accompanied him in his
travels in the Himalayas. He taught to all people who wanted to evolve on the
spiritual way; following each person step by step so that he can learn at its
own pace. He decided to write the most possible complete and synthetic book
heading: "Universal Occultism” (“L'Occultisme Universel)", because he wanted
that the universal esoteric science be accessible to all.
Now, since September 2003, he chose to be active in France. It settled in the
South, the Languedoc-Roussillon region and more precisely in the cathar area.
Villerouge-Termenes is a small town of Aude where the last known Perfect,
Bélibaste, was burned on a pyre in the castle.
It is time to forget any form of inquisition and that spiritual glory radiates
as at the time of Cathars and Templars. Nowadays, esoteric initiation must be
universal, beyond any religion and any sectarianism. It is opened to all who are
ready and worthy.
Henri Totev welcomes in his esoteric centre "Golden Lightning" all the souls
intended to radiate spiritually in themselves and to
prepare all together the Golden Age that comes.